Expanding Job Opportunities in Korea for HaUI Students

In an era where globalization is becoming the norm, expanding job opportunities internationally is crucial for educational institutions aiming to provide the best career prospects for their graduates.

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Many job opportunities for students at Canon Vietnam

On the morning of May 10, a workshop on job opportunities and direct recruitment of Canon Vietnam Co., Ltd was held at Hanoi University of Industry. Hundreds of seniors and graduates attended the seminar to seek job opportunities at Canon Vietnam.

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Various job opportunities at Foxconn and Revocommunity

In 2 days, June 1st&2nd, 2020, hundreds of HaUI graduates and K11 students attended the Employment Opportunities Workshop and directly recruited into Foxconn Technology Group and a seminar on recruiting talented engineers working in Revocommunity Company, Japan.

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Job opportunities for HaUI students at Samsung Electronics Vietnam

On May 27th, more than 500 junior & senior students excitedly attended the Employment Opportunities Workshop which was organized by Samsung Electronics Vietnam and Hanoi University of Industry. By attending the event, students have chances to apply for jobs at Samsung Electronics Vietnam. They also take part in mini-games to receive gifts from the company.

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